The Oscars 2008

I had foreseen the difficult contention between No Country For Old Men and There Will Be Blood, two films that should have simultaneously won each category in which they shared a nomination.

Two moments really touched me and filled me with joy:

1. Glen and Marketa winning best song. “Falling Slowly” has haunted me since I saw Once, which was a wonderful film. They came and played here at Stubb’s this past November, but I was out of town.

2. Diablo Cody winning best screenplay.

One Comment on "The Oscars 2008"

  1. Jenny says:

    Ric will never again watch the Oscars and still won’t watch a Denzel Washington movie, ever since he beat out Russell Crowe. I won’t be watching either, since everyone feels the need to have a religious epiphony before the show and thank God, even if they are still stoned when they say it. Besides, I’m sure I will catch the replays of all the clips for weeks after. Sorry to be such a killjoy about this, but it is how I feel. The contractions and the “pregnant crazies” are not affecting my judgement at all.

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